Saturday, October 17, 2009

Back from All Over

Well, over the last week, I've been to two different cities in Switzerland, Paris, and Amsterdam. Got back in at 10:00 local time last night, and I'm tired.

I had, for the most part, a pretty good time, though I'm still sad that Normandy fell through (long story). I'll put up some pics and do a full write-up either later today or tomorrow, Monday at the latest. For now, It's just good to be home. Thanks for all your prayers as we traveled all over Europe.

1 comment:

CDL Gal 54 said...

welcome back! glad for the safe return. i was wondering if you have an international plan by any chance or a time we could get on googlechat because i wanted to update you on something important of a rather private nature. if not, that's ok e-mail will have to do, but either way could you e-mail me and let me know? thanks!